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K360 an abbreviation for Knowledge 360(all round), is an online platform that offers the opportunity for curators to teach online on any course and earn revenue while doing that.

You can teach any relevant course that would interest people

There are different modes of getting your payment, just select one of them. You can be paid through bank, or even mobile money!

Yes, you can see generated revenue for every course you have created on your dashboard.

You are guaranteed to get not less than 70% of the revenue generated from subscriptions.

Very Simple, visit https://www.k360.ac/ and register as an instructor.

Off course, once your request to create both courses are approved.

You can reach out to us at support@afrotechnologies.com.gh or info@afrotechnologies.com.gh. You can also refer to the user guide for detailed instructions that might help you figure out things.

The course creator, that’s you! However, we may sometimes regulate the prices you set for optimum course sales.

Yes and No! It depends on the settings applied by the course creator. You can either make materials available for download or not.

That's actually recommended.

You can create a course on any subject area that you are an expert in. From courses on how to make bread to courses on how to develop web applications in Laravel, the choice is yours!

During course creation, we can provide you training on Instructional Design to help you transfer your content into material-friendly for the online space. We also provide you training on how to use the platform as well as detailed user guides to help you in your course creation journey. Our info (info@afrotechnologies.com.gh) and support (support@afrotechnologies.com.gh) mails are dedicated to receiving and addressing your questions.

Yes! Curators from all over the world can create courses on K360.